Palmerton Cat Project
Serving the Palmerton Area School District, The Palmerton Cat Project works to manage the local feral cat population through an incredible effort from fosters and volunteers. Feral cats are humanely trapped, desexed, and provided for until they are either able to be adopted or released back into community. They are a dedicated group of individuals who have accomplished amazing work in our area. If you are interested in acting as a foster or volunteer, wish to donate much needed cash or supplies, or simply just want more information, please check out the organizations Facebook page linked below:
The K9 Kop Project
In Pennsylvania, officer K9 units are often largely funded by the locality they reside in. Through charitable events and individual donations, The K9 Kop Project provides additional resources to K9 units in and around the Lehigh Valley. Every donation raised goes directly to fill the unmet needs of K9 units. These include vehicles, vests, training, training equipment, leads, leashes, medical kits, and more. Additionally, the organization aims to increase awareness about the needs and roles of K9 units, while fostering a stronger connection between the K9 officer and the communities they serve. Each year, this culminates in the East Coast K9 Trials, a regional competition and event for K9 officers open to the public. For more information, see the link to their Facebook page below: